New Student FAQs

I'm new to Irish dance, where do I start?
1. Wee little ones, ages 3-5, enroll in our Preschool Class. Lessons include development of spatial awareness through creative movement, identification of musical rhythm and counting, and how to move like an Irish dancer, including foundational Irish dance movements. We ask that a parent or guardian joins us during class. This helps short attention spans focus, connects the learning experience between classroom and home, and can strengthen the parent/child bond.
2. Students, ages 6 and up, enter through the New Beginner Class. This class serves as a portal into our leveled classes. Students move into Level 1 (Bun Grad) classes as soon as the basics can be danced to music.
3. Dancers who have prior Irish dance experience should contact Holly directly, at 717-825-5461. Usually these dancers take a few private lessons and then enter the level that best matches their current level of dance.
Can I try out a class before enrolling?
Absolutely! In fact, we encourage that... your first class is always FREE!
Check us out in real time and ask as many questions as you'd like. No charge and no obligations.
Go to the Trial Class Registration Form to reserve your spot!
What should I wear to class?
Anything that is light-weight and comfortable! The teacher should be able to view a dancer's ankle and knee placement, so shorts or leggings are a great choice. Keep cool and minimize distractions by having medium to long hair held back in a ponytail. For details, check out our Dress Code.
What should I bring to class? (Alterations have been made due to the pandemic.)
Stay hydrated by bringing a water bottle to keep with you in class. Water fountains are available in the hallway to use during drink breaks after COVID. Any other type of drink or food is not permitted in the studio.
If you bring a dance bag, it can be placed in one of our dancer cubbies outside of the studio doors during class. There is also a coat rack for jackets and a shoe basket for "street shoes". Only dance shoes are allowed on studio floors. (During COVID, all personal items are kept in a basket within the dancer's personal space.
Do I need Irish dance shoes? ...and are they expensive?
Students new to Irish dance may begin classes in socks or ballet flats. For safety and proper learning, continuing dancers must wear dance shoes during class.
Dance shoe options are:
1. Black Ballet Shoes - Option for Beginners - Average price: $20. Sold at local shoe stores such as Payless, and on This option does not provide lots of support, but are non-slip and an economic choice for young and beginning dancers.
2. Irish Dancing Soft Shoes - Also known as Ghillies or Pumps - These shoes offer tons of support, and look pretty cool, too! Prices vary, however a great beginner shoe can be around $45. For more information, click on the Irish Dance Shoe icon!
3. Used Irish Dance Shoes - As dancers grow, many used shoes become available at a reduced price. Check for used shoes at the studio, on our Student & Family Facebook Page and even on eBay. Used dance shoes are generally sold for half of the retail price, depending on the condition of the shoes. ...and don't forget, you can sell your shoes when you grow out of them!
Where are you located and where do we park?
Click on the photo for details! --->
What type of dance floors do you have?
Our floors protect your muscles, help you jump higher, prevent fatigue, and deliver loud hard shoe sounds -- they are floating hard wood floors with added cushioning.
Wait... your floors float?
Kind of... Floating floors have built-in air pockets under the surface so that the floor bends and "gives" when a dancer starts moving, while proving tons of support! Our floors have additional padding underneath that enhances this effect. Floating floors prevent injuries and allows the dancer to achieve more height when practicing without tiring as quickly.
How do I sign up for my free trial class?
Fill out the Free Trial Class Registration form and come to class! That’s all there is to it!
What if I want to continue Irish dance lessons after their trial class?
What is the cost and how do we pay?
We offer monthly and semester payment plans. Semester plans have a 20% discount.
Please refer to our Tuition Rates & Policy for more information.
Do you have a yearly recital?
Yes...although unfortunately not during the pandemic, we have an annual school-wide Showcase where students have the opportunity to perform for family and friends, and to be part of a full performance program, building confidence and experience.
Are there performance opportunities throughout the year?
Yes...which we will return to post-COVID! We have a fun and active Performing Company for students in Level 1 and above. We also have activities that are open to all students, including local parades and our annual Showcase.
Do your dancers attend competitions?
Yes! We are members of Cumann Rince Naisiunta (CRN), based in Ireland, and we attend CRN-sanctioned competitions throughout the year. CRN is also "Open Platform" which means that dancers from non-CRN schools are allowed to dance at our competitions, and CRN dancers may compete at non-CRN events.
Is my dancer required to compete?
Competitions and performances are encouraged but optional. Participation in these types of events will help any dancer progress more quickly and solidly, aid in confidence building, and build friendships both near and far. However it is important that dancers have a positive experience with Irish dance and so they will not be pushed to do something they are not interested in or ready for. Dancers are encouraged to participate, with respect.
Are there resources to help my dancer practice?
Parents will have access to their dancer’s progress and practice resources via their JackRabbit Parent Portal. Students also have personal binders to house goal sheets, step notes, and reference materials.
What if I have additional questions?
As questions arise, please feel free to email
Thank you for your interest!
Fill out your Free Trial Class Registration today!
We look forward to seeing you soon!